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U-Haul Investors Club®

Investing made easier®

Begin Direct Investing & Join for Free!

No commission, maintenance fees or minimum balance requirement on any of the U-Haul Investors Club® accounts.
Start the account with a deposit as low as $100.

Already a member? Sign In.

Personal Investments

Purchase a U-Note® for yourself or on behalf of a child. Simply complete a paperless application online to get started. You will be able to transfer funds from your checking/savings account to your U-Haul Investors Club® personal accounts once your e-mail address and bank account information are verified.

Retirement (IRAs) Investments

Take advantage of tax benefits and save for your retirement with a U-Haul Investors Club® Traditional IRA or Roth IRA. All applications are completed electronically with no hassles on mailing the paperwork (with the exception of direct transfer). Start a new IRA, or rollover/transfer from your existing IRA/401K today.

Trust Investments

Invest on behalf of your trust whether the designated Trustee is an individual or institution. Start your U-Haul Investors Club® trust account in five easy steps:

  1. Complete the online application.
  2. Link and verify your checking/savings account to transfer funds.
  3. Verify your e-mail address.
  4. Log in to your account, print and sign the trust certificate form.
  5. E-mail/fax a few pages of your trust agreement (to identify the designated trustee) along with the trust certificate.

Business Investments

Purchase a U-Note on behalf of your organization. Start your U-Haul Investors Club® business account in four easy steps:

  1. Complete the online application.
  2. Verify your e-mail address.
  3. Log in to your account, print and have the approved & signed corporate resolution form e-mailed or faxed to the U-Haul Investors Club.
  4. Link and verify your checking/savings account to transfer funds.